Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2019 – and the best is …


On Tuesday, 7. 5. 2019, we will find out which are the best regional Slovenian restaurants and one of them will receive the “SLOVENIA RESTAURANT AWARDS by Diners Club” this year’s election the best name among them. Who will succeed the last year’s winners, and be recognized as the best Slovenian restaurants both by the Gastronomic Academy and by the general public? We will find out all this at the gala ceremony, but today we reveal the Top 10 lists of individual categories.

The voting for the professional public began on January 30, 2019 (Gastronomic Academy, 75%), followed by the voting for the general public, which began on January 1, 2019 (25% of the vote) and closed 31.3.2019. We voted for the approval of the audit firm Deloitte Slovenia on 19.4.2019 pre-determined voting systems performed independently received votes of the Gastronomic Academy and public. Revision t.i. “Voting system” shall comprise a systematic expert review of the technical and organizational aspects and ensure credibility in the process itself.

In 2019 TSRA will be the first to present with an exclusive charity dinner. 16 of the best TSRA chefs will prepare a 16-course charity dinner. Their cooking masterpieces will be presented by:

  1. Ana Ros (House Franko),
  2. Tomaž Kavčič (Restaurant at Lojze – Zemono Palace),
  3. Janez Bratovž (Restaurant JB),
  4. Igor Jagodic (Restaurant Strelec),
  5. Gregor Vračko (House Denk),
  6. Uroš Štefelin (Villa Podvin)Bine Volčič (Monstera Bistro),
  7. David Vračko (Restaurant Mak)Jure Tomič (OŠterija Debeluh),
  8. Boštjan Trstenjak (Restaurant Cubo),
  9. Mojmir Šiftar (Evergreen Restaurant),
  10. Uroš Klinec (Nejka and Uroš Klinec),
  11. Matej Tomažič (Domažija Majerija),
  12. Marko Magajne and Luka Gmajner (Okus Gallery),
  13. Slavko Žagar (Skaručna Restaurant),
  14. Leon and Tanja Pintarič (Restaurant Rajh).

The proceeds will go to the scholarship fund for young master chefs The Slovenia Young Chef Foundation.

The whole day event will be at the Evergreen restaurant in Smlednik, on Tuesday, 7 May, 2019 which will take place between 9am and 11pm. The morning part is dedicated to the gastronomy profession’s curriculum. From 12.30 onwards, the SLOVENIAN TAVERNS POP UP lunch and the official part of the award ceremony for the best restaurants The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2019 by Diners Club will follow.  We will start with the inns of four Slovenian regions accompanied by wine; continue with the round table and the ceremony of awarding the TSRA prizes at 3 pm. It will be followed by a press conference at 5 pm and is expected to close at 5:30 pm.

  • 9.00 – 13.00 Gourmet 4.0 masterclass open to the general public and includes breakfast and lunch as part of Slovenian Taverns POP UP. It will be divided into the following workshops:
    – Slovenian breakfast: a practical photo workshop, publications of Slovenian super food and tasting.
    – Catering workshops: How to take advantage of technology and influences for catering performance?
  • 12.00 -15.00 Slovenian Taverns POP UP: 12 inns present the holiday tastes of 4 regions
  • 13.00 – 14.00 round table: representatives of gastronomic associations in Slovenia
  • 15.00 – 17.00 award ceremony of the TSRA 2019 by Diners Club
  • 17.00 – 17.30 Press meeting
  • 19.00 – 23.00 The Slovenian Dinner by Romerquelle

Please confirm your participation in the event of this year’s TSRA not later than 3.5.2019, at [email protected] or [email protected]. More about media accreditations can be found on the website.
* With accreditation, ensure participation at all TSRA events with the exception of dinner.If you would like to have an interview with any of the winners, let us know the approximate time you need to conduct interviews and the topic of the conversation. Interviews will be arranged according to the occupancy of the person, who you want to do an interview.

We invite you to join us while at the same time we look forward to your company.Jana Studen, Public Relations, The Slovenia Restaurant Awards by Diners Club

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