The 1st Alpe Adria Dialogues are dedicated to the latest issues and bring people in front of the curtain who deal with high-quality products, their refinement and the preparation of food. Trend scouts, book authors and practitioners will also talk about where the culinary journey will lead in the future. Cooking workshops, wine seminars and tastings included.
Speakers at the 1. Alpe-Adria Dialogues
You can expect trend researcher Hanni Rützler, Michelin chef Tomaž Kavčič, gastro queen Dada Jerovšek, eruption winemaker Thomas Müller, Falstaff maker Wolfgang Rosam and many more.
Hanni Rützler
Publisher of the annual “food report”, founder of the “futurefoodstudio” in Vienna. Nutritionist and trend researcher, also works for Matthias Horx’s Institute for the Future in Frankfurt and Vienna.
Lojze Wieser
Owner of the renowned Wieser-Verlag, edits not only literary treasures but also very special cookbooks such as “The Taste of Europe” or “The Wedding of Taste”, which have won several awards. Gastrosopher and keeper of almost forgotten dishes.
Dada Jerovšek
The grand dame of gastronomy in Ljubljana, successful entrepreneur and owner of the Kaval Group, which includes outstanding restaurants such as Strelec or the PEN Club Restaurant. 17 companies belong to the group – the highest quality and an appreciative working atmosphere are the pillars of success.
Paul Hass
Young entrepreneurs with the traditional businesses Augustin, Gasthaus im Landhaushof and Domgassner in Klagenfurt as well as offshoots in the City Arkaden Klagenfurt and Atrio Villach. The success of the largest gastro group in Klagenfurt is due to the high and stable quality of the kitchen and the long-standing service staff.
Georges Desrues
Georges Desrues, born in Paris, grew up in Vienna, has been living as a freelance author and photo reporter in Italy for fifteen years, the last five of them in Trieste. Proven Trieste expert. Specialties are travel, food and drink, and agriculture. Numerous publications in Germany and abroad, including in “Profil”, “Die Welt”, “Gourmet Traveler”.
Stefan Mueller
Chairman of the Eruptionwinzer, founded in 2002, who holds together the strong group of winegrowers around outstanding names such as Krispel, Gollenz, Scharl and produces outstanding and multi-award-winning wines himself. Particularly noteworthy Riesling and Traminer.
David Ličen & Kristjan Vidmar
Founder of the Golden Ring Cheese in the Vipava Valley, an outstanding boutique cheese dairy that has caused a sensation on the cheese scene worldwide within a very short time: Processing of raw milk cheese in old war caverns deep in the mountain. The processing technology ensures tasteful heights.
Gerald Glinik
Outstanding sommelier and vice president of the Carinthian Sommelier Association, a connoisseur of Alps-Adriatic wines. Glinik also works intensively on autochthonous varieties. Can refer to more than 15,000 trainer hours in Austria, plus bar master and management consultant.
Sepp Schellhorn
Restaurateur, hotelier, lateral thinker, art collector, ex-NEOS politician – owner of the Hotel “Seehof” in Goldegg. Schellhorn is characterized by the awareness of a holistic and truly sustainable kitchen and management. Highest quality with critical questioning and constant further development are his recipe for success.
Wolfgang Rosam
Communications expert, PR professional, successful entrepreneur – and among other things publisher of the Falstaff magazine. Rosam knows the industry like no other and knows about the success factors and stumbling blocks on the way to a successful gastronomy business.
Tomaz Kavcic
Chef Tomaž Kavčič is in the 4th generation at the Pri Loijzetu restaurant. A Michelin star chef who loves to prepare his dishes with simple ingredients. But Tomaž also devotes itself to new interpretations of traditional Karst cuisine. Absolute game specialist. A chef with a passion for taste details.
Thomas Koch
The shoaf farmer from Moosburg is a rebel in lamb production. He advocates for more consideration of lamb on menus. Koch is uncompromising in the quality of production, relies on the diversity of sheep breeds on the farm, and swears by transparency, cooperation and sustainability.
Fabrizia Meroi
She cooks in her restaurant “Laite” in Sappada and prepares dishes that are called, for example, “falling leaves” because she seasonally integrates and refines lichens, roots, mosses and leaves from the surrounding forests. Fabrizia Meroi, Chef of the Year, refined with a Michelin star, is an outstanding personality in Italian Alpine cuisine.
Daniel Kraschl
Head chef at the “Seewirt” on Lake Maltschach, 4-snail slow food chef: consistently regional if not even locally shopping, seasonal and creative. Kraschl brings with him a broad knowledge of fine cuisine without ever having become aloof – a passion for lamb.
Christina Wildhaber
She is one of the absolute experts for old types of vegetables and fruit as well as flowers and herbs in the kitchen. At the organic farm, attention is paid to maximum diversity, all plants are grown, processed and harvested on the farm. Their motto is: not much of one type, but a little of many types. Extensive knowledge of wild herbs and roots for the kitchen.
Martina Malalan
Specialist in the production of oils, herbs and essences – and special mixtures for the kitchen. Her company, Puress Oil, is the first company in the Karst to organically grow and process native essential plants. Malalan is a herb tinkerer at the highest level.
Roland Essl
For many years a top chef, led the Weiserhof in Salzburg to culinary heights with its down-to-earth dishes. Currently looking for old products and recipes that are in danger of extinction. His book “Alpenkulinarik” is a bestseller. There is hardly anyone with more practical and theoretical knowledge of alpine cuisine.
Severin Corti
First for years as the London correspondent for the “Kurier”, Corti was later a restaurant and gourmet critic in “Der Standard”. Today, the proven Slow Food specialist is self-employed and develops concepts for international hotel and catering businesses. He is also a passionate cook himself.
September 19th
That’s where the gastro journey goes: Food Trends 2022+
Hanni Rützler
The publisher of the annual Food Report talks about the key trends in the field of gastronomy.
Time: 10.00 a.m. – 10.45 a.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
3 trends & tips in 30 minutes
Hanni Rützler
In a brief outline, Food Report publisher Hanni Rützler reveals the three biggest trends along with practical tips.
Time: 11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
Location: Alte Post II room
Price: included in the conference ticket
Archeology of Taste
Lojze Wieser
Lojze Wieser embarks on a small “archaeological” taste tour with tasting of the Alps-Adriatic.
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: Suite 500
Price: included in the conference ticket
This is how you get through crises more easily
Dada Jerovšek & Paul Haas
She is the grand dame of gastronomy in Ljubljana, he rocks the largest gastronomy group in Klagenfurt: Dada Jerovšek & Paul Haas reveal how they have grown through crises.
Time: 11.00 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.
Location: Sandwirth Hall
Price: included in the conference ticket
Tips for successful Gastro
Dada Jerovšek & Paul Haas
A privatissimum to discuss success factors in today’s gastronomy.
Time: 12.00 – 12.30 p.m.
Location: Alte Post II room
Price: included in the conference ticket
Sauerkraut, Vongole and Cevapcici. Trieste cuisine – between Central Europe, the Mediterranean and the Balkans
George Desrues
Georges Desrues is a proven connoisseur of Trieste cuisine and its influences: what you can learn from it today and put it on your own menu.
Time: 12.00 p.m. – 12.45 p.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
Tasting of sauerkraut, vongole and cevapcici
George Desrues
A lightning tasting tour of Trieste and some of its flavors.
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Location: Alte Post II room
Price: €5
Viticulture 4.0. Success grows from cooperation: Tips from Eruptions winemaker
Stefan Müller
Stefan Müller is a co-founder of the eruption winegrowers around Klöch and Straden in south-eastern Styria. How stricter criteria and close cooperation lead to success.
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
Tasting of outstanding wines from the eruption winemaker
Stefan Müller
Their names are Müller, Krispel, Scharl, Gollenz, etc. Great names, great wines. Stefan Müller lets the palate taste a fine selection.
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Location: Alte Post II room
Price: € 5
Autochtone & PiWi’s wines from the Alps-Adriatic region: Muskaris, Rebolla, Vitovska & Co.
Gerald Glinik, Austrian Sommelier Association
12 different grape varieties – each unique and distinctive in the Alps-Adriatic region: top sommelier Gerald Glinik guides you through this outstanding tour.
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Location: Suite 600
Price: €10
A cheese like it used to be: 100% raw milk & a cotton cloth. Tips & Trends
David Ličen & Kristjan Vidmar
In the Vipava Valley, in a hidden military gallery from the last century, one of the most outstanding cheeses in Slovenia matures. How the Vidmar brothers revived the ancient art of cheese making.
Time: 3.00 p.m. – 3.45 p.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
Results of the blind tasting “Autochtone & PiWi’s wines from the Alps-Adriatic region
Gerald Glinik, Austrian Sommelier Association
Here you can find out where the individual autochthonous grape varieties in the Alps-Adriatic region ranked in this blind tasting and how they fared.
Time: 4 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
Tasting of outstanding cheeses from the Vipava Valley: Golden Ring
David Ličen & Kristjan Vidmar
Varieties such as Vipava Valley, Soft Valley and Blue Valley ripen deep underground: raw milk cheeses with natural mold formation in blue, black and orange tones. Golden ring of the Vidmar brothers.
Time: 4.00 p.m. – 4.45 p.m.
Location: Suite 500
Price: € 5
The dance around the golden calf
Sepp Schellhorn
The dance around the golden calf awaits interested visitors: a calf, butchered and processed from “nose to tail”. Sepp Schellhorn, top chef, art connoisseur, committed landlord-politician and host at the Seehof in Goldegg, shows what a chef has to master in order to process a veal without waste and leftovers. Tastings of all parts of the calf are of course part of the programme.
Time: 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Location: MAKERSPACE Carinthia, Lastenstraße 26
Price: € 58 per person including admission and ongoing tasting of specialties of freshly cooked veal and wine accompaniment from Rebenhof – Südsteiermark
September 20th
Gastronomy today: existential threat versus “high flyer”
Wolfgang Rosam
Falstaff publisher and communication professional Wolfgang Rosam shows the current light and dark sides in gastronomy – and how to be put in the spotlight again.
Time: 10.00 a.m. – 10.45 a.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
How important are restaurant guides & ratings?
Wolfgang Rosam
Everything overrated? Does my restaurant have to have forks, toques, stars – or what else does it need?
Time: 11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
Location: Alte Post II room
Price: included in the conference ticket
Wild cuisine 4.0. Trends & Tips
Tomaž Kavčič
Tomaž Kavčič is currently Slovenia’s top chef. He is a master of venison cuisine and reveals what is currently “wild” on the plate in Slovenia, what he pays special attention to in venison cuisine and in which direction it is developing.
Time: 11.00 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.
Location: Sandwirth Hall
Price: included in the conference ticket
What’s that sparkling in the glass? Masterclass Tasting of Remarkable Alps-Adriatic Sparkling Wines
Gerald Glinik, Austrian Sommelier Association
12 outstanding wines from the regions of Carinthia, Styria, Istria, Slovenia, Friuli and Veneto are tasted brut. With top sommelier Gerald Glinik.
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Location: Suite 600
Price: €10
More lamb in the pots!
Thomas Koch & Daniel Kraschl
Thomas Koch is the shoaf farmer and Daniel Kraschl the slow food chef at the Seewirt on Lake Maltschach. Both are linked by passion for lamb: trends, tips, processing, recipes.
Time: 12.00 p.m. – 12.45 p.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
Express cooking class game cuisine 4.0
Tomaž Kavčič
Tomaž Kavčič gives insights into his special game cuisine and reveals and cooks an original recipe.
Time: 12.00 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
Location: Suite 500
Price: € 15
Results of the Alpen-Adria sparkling wine tasting
Gerald Glinik, Austrian Sommelier Association
Here you can find out which sparkling wines from which Alps-Adriatic region performed best at the tasting and their special features.
Time: 1.00 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
Tasting of lamb products
Thomas Koch & Daniel Kraschl
Special features of the lamb and the stories behind it as well as tips for processing including a small product tasting.
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Location: Alte Post II room
Price: included in the conference ticket
Cook simply with what is there
Fabrizia Meroi
Chef of the year, awarded a Michelin star – and yet as down-to-earth and honest as her dishes: that is Fabrizia Meroi from Sappada. She talks about reduction to the essentials and the tricks to bring the best out of what is there on the plate.
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
Wild herbs in the kitchen. The best tips from Trieste and Carinthia
Christina Wildhaber & Martina Malalan
Nothing works in the kitchen without them – herbs. Wild herb experts Christina Wildhaber from Brückl and Martina Malalan from Trieste reveal what is currently en vogue, give tips for cooking and reveal interesting combinations.
Time: 3.00 p.m. – 3.45 p.m.
Location: Sandwirth Saal
Price: included in the conference ticket
Tasting of the best wild herbs in the Karst and in Carinthia
Christina Wildhaber & Martina Malalan
Smell & taste which wild herbs could go well with which dishes.
Time: 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Location: Alte Post II room
Price: included in the conference ticket
Meat as a spice and the rediscovery of the lard pan
Roland Essl and Severin Corti
Roland Essl, Salzburger, highly decorated chef and intimate connoisseur of Alpine cuisine, shows in an interview with the journalist Severin Corti how our ancestors have perfected the sustainable use of meat over centuries. Essl stands at the lard pan and uses 4 courses to show how yesterday’s kitchen can become tomorrow’s. With matching wines from the Rebenhof winery.
Time: 5 p.m.
Location: MAKERSPACE Carinthia, Lastenstraße 26
Price: €39 for a 4-course menu including accompanying wines from Rebenhof-Südsteiermark
Taste the Alpe Adria Region
The final highlight will be the Alpe Adria Kuche is the so-called “Pleasure mile”, which will be held in the historic center of Klagenfurt: from 25th to 27th September. Regional delicacies are tasted between Renaissance arcades, courtyards, and beautiful squares. More than 45 exhibitors present their products between olive oils – Oil Pope Heinrich Zehetner will offer tastings – saffron, cheese, wild herbs, wines, organic meat, desserts, and coffee. Culinary hotspots such as Sappada, Goriska Brda, Riegersburg, Gorenja Vas, Central Carinthia are guests and show their diversity. A land of plenty of good taste awaits visitors.