2021 Creative Exchange: Landscapes of Care


With the 2021 Creative Exchange: Landscapes of Care, one of the key European events for networking and presentation of architectural ideas, Future Architecture Platform will introduce a new season of its European Architecture Program via a live webcast for the first time via Future Architecture Rooms.

Join Future Architecture at the 2021 Creative Exchange: Landscapes of Care, which will take place within the virtual environment for the presentation of architectural ideas and networking: Future Architecture Rooms.

2021 Creative Exchange: Landscapes of Care will be one of the first major events dedicated to the conversation about the New European Bauhaus and the European Green Deal, announced in September 2020 by the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. 

The annual convention will take place online this year under the title Landscapes of Care. The participants will be addressed by Xavier Troussard, head of the New European Bauhaus at the European Commission’s Joint Research Center. The main guest at this year’s event will be Amica Dall, who holds a degree in English literature and anthropology and is one of the fifteen founders of the non-hierarchical multidisciplinary London collective Assemble, which produces architecture, art, urban design, and research—and in doing so focuses on the social and material processes of urban development.

The core of the 2021 Creative Exchange will be nine live discussions with twenty-seven young artists and experts from various disciplines that responded to this year’s call for ideas, the platform’s tool for encouraging emerging creatives to present their innovative architectural ideas to a wide range of decision-makers and stakeholders, and fifteen curators, directors, and program managers that will carry out the events in the 2021 European Architectural Program. The discussions will include participants addressing topics of public space, landscape, buildings, revisiting histories, transdisciplinarity, paradigm shifts, feminism in architecture, decolonization, and new policies.