The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 is almost here


We are only one week away from the big reveal and the announcement of the best Slovenian restaurants at The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020.

We are kindly inviting you to join us on June 2nd at 5 pm for an extraordinary online event and award ceremony. Apply here!

As you might know, a lot of events in Slovenia were postponed or canceled due to the Coronavirus epidemic in Slovenia. Even though, Slovenia officially called an end to the epidemic a few weeks back, the restrictions are still in place, at least when it comes to social events and “hanging out”. Bigger events, like ours – The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 were postponed.

The Slovenia Restaurant Awards open to the public for the first time

That’s why we decided to hold our award ceremony The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 online. During the previous years, the event was closed of to the public and only exclusive guests and chefs were invited to join us at The Slovenia Restaurant Awards. However, due to certain limitations and restrictions, we decided to open up this year’s online or virtual award ceremony to all foodies, culinary enthusiasts, aspiring chefs, amateur cooks, and everyone who is interested in our event. The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 will be open to the public viewing on June 2nd at 5 pm.

The viewing of the award ceremony will be FREE. Make sure you apply and save the date here.

Celebrate The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 with the best Slovenian chefs

Join us at The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020, you won’t be sorry. Celebrating the fourth edition of The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 with us, will be some of the best Slovenian chefs. The hint is in the picture below.

Join us at the award ceremony for The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 here!

Joining us for this joyous occasion will be Slovenian chefs Tomaž Kavčič from Gostilna pri Lojzetu – Dvorec Zemono, Ana Roš from Hiša Franko and last but not least Uroš Štefelin from Vila Podvin. Get to know our Slovenian chefs and the winners of this year’s edition of The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 and apply for the viewing of the event here.

Join us at the award ceremony for The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020 here!

More information will be revealed soon! Stay tuned and make sure to follow us on social media!