Bolt electric scooters for rent available in Ljubljana / price 20 cents per minute for the first 12 minutes |

Bolt electric scooters available for rent in Ljubljana. Thus, Ljubljana joins Bolt’s network of cities where electric scooters are available. Ivan Begović, Bolt’s micromobility director for Slovenia and Croatia, today opened a new, sustainable micromobility service in Ljubljana. 300 electric scooters will be available in the city, but their number will be adjusted according to needs.
Ivan Begović, micromobility director for Slovenia and Croatia at Bolt said at the presentation: “Our mission is to help build people-friendly cities by providing more affordable and environmentally friendly mobility alternatives for all city trips. Electric scooters and electric bikes are a great alternative to cars for shorter journeys, so we’re excited to see user demand for our electric scooters as we continue to expand across Europe.” And he added: “We are extremely proud that the people of Ljubljana will now be able to enjoy a safe, easy and convenient way of driving around the city with Bolt’s electric scooters.”
Ljubljana is the first Slovenian city where Bolt electric scooters are available. Bolt has announced plans to invest more than EUR 150 million in micromobility and will be able to further develop its activity in the field of electric scooters and bicycles.
Europe’s leading micromobility app plans to operate 230,000 electric scooters and electric bicycles by the end of the year.
Bolt saw over 500% year-over-year ridership growth in March 2022.

Bolt, the largest provider of electric scooters in Europe, has announced that the use of its electric scooters has increased significantly compared to twelve months ago. In March 2022, they listed 500% more rides compared to the year before. The company also announced its ambitious investment plan in the field of micromobility.
In 2022, Bolt will spend more than 150 million euros to further increase its activities in the field of electric scooters and electric bicycles, and to develop new solutions to increase safety and improve the user experience. Bolt will thus increase its fleet to more than 230,000 electric scooters and electric bicycles at the end of this year. The company plans to expand and operate its fleets in more than 250 cities (currently operating in 200 cities).
Safety is Bolt’s priority, so users should follow the general safety rules for electric scooters before use and while riding:
Wear a helmet – we recommend that you have a helmet and always wear it while driving. Pay attention – check the traffic around you and start driving slowly. Do not drive under the influence of alcohol – never drive electric scooters under the influence of alcohol. Follow the traffic rules – follow all traffic signs when driving an electric scooter.

Respect other passengers. Do not drive on the pavement – don’t ride on the sidewalk – use the bike lanes. Give way to pedestrians. Only one person should ride on one electric scooter – don’t put yourself and your friends in unnecessary danger. Always drive alone! Park responsibly – park the e-scooter near the bike racks or in designated areas for e-scooter parking. Do not obstruct or cause disorder – do not obstruct the accessibility of sidewalks, bus stops and do not park other electric scooters and bicycles.
Line up – do not park all the way across, place the scooter next to other already parked scooters.
Bolt’s custom-made electric scooter model, Bolt 3, which will be available in Ljubljana, is extremely light due to the use of aluminum, weighing only 17 kg. Its spacious battery allows you to travel a distance of up to 30 km on a single charge. The electric scooter reaches a maximum speed of 25 km/h, and front and rear lighting ensure safety during use in dimly lit parts of the day. Inflated tires improve grip with the ground and ensure a smooth ride.

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