Home CULINARY GIFTS Coffee and tea Flavored coffee Honey – Hazelnut

Flavored coffee Honey – Hazelnut


The coffee has an added aroma of cinnamon and hazelnut (2%).

We recommend adding milk to the cup, as it brings together the flavors of coffee and the aroma.

Aroma / Flavor
Cinnamon / Hazelnut

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Flavored coffees are perfect for special occasions as they add a special meaning to the moments we enjoy them.

To this coffee blend, a honey/hazelnut aroma (2%) has been added. The aroma is infused into freshly roasted coffee immediately after the roasting process when the coffee beans are most receptive to absorbing flavors and aromas from the surroundings. The coffee then needs to rest for at least 48 hours before it is ready to be sent to coffee lovers’ homes.

You can add a touch of milk to the coffee, which beautifully harmonizes the flavors of the coffee and the aromas, creating a delightful combination.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
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