Step into the world of eloquence and inspiration as we bring you exclusive interviews with Slovenia’s top speakers. Delve into the minds of these captivating orators as they share their insights, wisdom, and secrets to mastering the art of communication. From motivational speakers to thought leaders, our interviews showcase the diverse talent and expertise within Slovenia’s speaking community.

Lovro Peterlin joined A1 Slovenia in 2017 as the Head of Sales and Subscription Sector, and in June 2018, he assumed the position of Managing Director. Prior to joining A1 Slovenia, he served as the director of Linea Directa, a sister company of Studio Moderna, since 2007. Linea Directa operates in 19 markets across Eastern and Central Europe, specializing in call center services, sales, and managing complete shopping experiences for over 350 business partners. With international experience, years of practice in developing new business opportunities, and direct leadership experience, particularly with the millennial generation, Lovro shares his expertise with numerous entrepreneurs. He has provided consultancy services to international companies in sales, marketing, and establishing and managing efficient sales teams.

Moreover, he has international experience, having worked as a strategic marketing consultant in Italy and China. He is a former president of the Young Managers Section of Slovenia, mentors many young professionals within AmCham Slovenia, and is one of the few Europeans who are members of the prestigious global jury for selecting the international award in the field of direct marketing and sales, the ECHO Awards. Lovro is also a board member of DMS.

What was your most important lesson in 2023?

Life is not a straight line and sometimes you need to unlearn things in order to make a step forward. It is important to accept it in a working environment as a manager or partner/parent at home.

What global trend will shape 2024?

For sure I must point out artificial intelligence as breaking technology and trends. The level of adoption AI received is insane. And we must take into account that the real solutions are not yet in place. I am really looking forward to new business models, apps, and services that will be developed on AI.

What will be the most key skill in 2024?

In the world of huge information flow, we must separate the ones with added value from average noise. The key is to handle the important ones and try to absorb them as much as possible. True winners are the ones who can soak up information and new learning exponentially.

Tips and tricks to help personal/business growth succeed in 2024:

Try to set up a daily routine and execute it consistently. It will pay off big time.

What is your top resolution for 2024?

Try to be ahead of everyone, no matter the environment. In order to adapt to different situations, transformation should be as efficient as possible. It is the key to get a much needed advantage which should result in 1+1=11.