Slovenia in a new Netflix series


Today a new season of the Restaurants on the Edge series is coming to Netflix with a special episode dedicated to Slovenia.

This Netflix series that features Slovenia is about three food and design experts, who travel the world to revive failing restaurants by connecting them to the local culture beyond their gorgeous views.

If you loved Gordan Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares then this Netflix series that features Slovenia must be on your watch list! Restaurants on the Edge is set on a similar premise as the popular Ramsay’s show, however, the reality series includes three industry experts, Dennis Prescott, Nick Liberato, and Karin Bohn travel the world and help broken restaurants in turning a corner and fixing their often broken businesses.

During season two, the experts will visit also Finland, Muskoka, and Arizona, alongside Slovenia.

The Netflix series features Bine Volčič

In the Netflix series Restaurants on the Edge, you will be able to see Slovenia. In the Netflix episode where Slovenia is featured, you will be able to see the renovation of Žmauc in Ljubljana.

The food experts also travel around Slovenia to get to know the gastronomic specialties of our country and each of them contributes to the renovation of the restaurant: from food, drink, design, and marketing. In the show, together with the Slovenian chef Bine Volčič, they go to the forest, learn about honey and apitherapy in Bled, visit the famous Predjama Castle and the village of Goče in the Vipava Valley, where they learn about local wines.

In Ljubljana, they also visit the Metelkovo mesto Alternative Cultural Center and the popular Open Kitchen, where they learn about the intertwining of Slovenian and international food.

Will you be watching this Netflix series that features Slovenia this weekend?