The AMAZE™ Foods


The AmazeÔ Foods is all about the plant-based meat. Our burger Juicy one is 100% made of plants and has everything that you expect from the burger – beefy looks, the smoky smell, and it is really juicy. It is the first of a kind in Slovenia and it is produced (developed and produced in Slovenia) exclusively from pea proteins which do not contain GMOs. It contains even more proteins than a burger made of meat. At the same time, it contains 0% of cholesterol, 0% of gluten, and no additives. Producing The AmazeÔ burgers, we use 95% less water, 90% less land, and produce 85% less GHG emissions. We do not offer a meatless alternative to a meat burger. We offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly choice for everybody. You can find The AmazeÔ burgers in several restaurants in Slovenia and abroad listed on their web page.


The AmazeÔ Foods je prvi slovenski proizvajalec rastlinskega mesa. Naš burger Juicy one je 100 % rastlinski in ima vse, kar od burgerja pričakujete: mesnat izgled, zadimljeno aromo in – res je sočen. Naš rastlinski burger je v celoti razvit in proizveden v Sloveniji. Pripravljen je izključno iz grahovih proteinov, ki ne vsebujejo GSO. Ima celo več beljakovin kot burger iz govejega mesa, a vsebuje 0 % holesterola, 0 % glutena, ne vsebuje pa aditivov in ojačevalcev okusa. Za proizvodnjo The Amaze burgerjev porabimo 95 % manj vode, 90 % manj zemlje in proizvedemo 85 % manj toplogrednih plinov. Tako ne ponujamo brezmesne alternative mesnega burgerja, temveč bolj trajnostno in okolju prijazno izbiro za vse. The AmazeÔ burgerje lahko najdete v več restavracijah v Sloveniji in tujini. Seznam je objavljen na naši spletni strani.[email protected]

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