Best of Culture in Ljubljana 2020


Every year on the 8th of February, Slovenia celebrates its Cultural Heritage Day, which is a National holiday in honor of the great 19th-century poet and cultural iconic dr. France Prešeren, which is not only a work-free holiday but among other events and festivities the vast majority of the country’s cultural institutions offer free admission to the public. And each year to mark the occasion, Best of Slovenia asks locals to vote for their favorite museums, galleries, institutions, events and more from Ljubljana’s thriving cultural scene.

The winners and top finishers can be found below.

Best Museum

  1. National Gallery of Slovenia
  2. Museum of Modern Art
  3. Plečnik House
  4. Slovene Ethnographic Museum
  5. City Museum of Ljubljana

Best Art Gallery

  1. Jakopič Gallery
  2. Škuc Gallery
  3. Ljubljana City Gallery
  4. Vžigalica
  5. Tobačna 001

Best Commercial Art Gallery

  1. DobraVaga
  2. Galerija Fotografija
  3. Atelje
  4. Galerija Equrna
  5. Ravnikar Gallery Space

Best Traditional Performing Arts Venue

  1. Cankajev Dom
  2. National Drama Theatre
  3. Križanke Summer Theatre
  4. Mladinsko Theatre
  5. Ljubljana Castle

Best Modern Performing Arts Venue

  1. Kino Šiška
  2. Stara Elektrarna
  3. Španski Borci
  4. Gledališče Glej
  5. Mini Theatre

Best National Culture Institution

  1. Goethe Institute
  2. Institut Français
  3. British Council
  4. Russian Scientific & Cultural Centre
  5. Jewish Cultural Center

Best Annual Event

  1. LIFFe
  2. Film Under the Stars
  3. Ana Desetnica
  4. Ljubljana Festival
  5. MENT

Best Cinema

  1. Kinodvor
  2. Kino Bežigrad
  3. Kinoteka
  4. Kolosej
  5. Kino Komuna

Best Culture Around Ljubljana

  1. Technical Museum of Slovenia
  2. Stična Monastery
  3. Brdo Estate
  4. Bogenšperk Castle
  5. Ivan Cankar Memorial House

We would like to congratulate all the winners!