How will traveling after the Coronavirus pandemic look like?


Coronavirus will bring some changes to our future travel plans. Who will travel and where after the Coronavirus pandemic ends? When it will be safe to travel again and how?

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has released a statement on what the “new traveling normal” will look like as countries begin to end their Coronavirus lockdowns and ease travel restrictions that were put in place due to the pandemic. 

We will travel again, but it will not be the same. Even if borders reopen.

The World Travel & Tourism Council has released a plan under the name “Travelling in the New Normal”, which includes critical steps and possible coordinated actions due to new standards and protocols, which offer a safe and responsible traveling for consumers, who plan to travel after the Coronavirus pandemic comes to an end.

When and Where will be Safe to travel after Coronavirus is over? When will Travel Bans be lifted?

When will be safe to travel again, once Coronavirus is over? When will travel bans and travel restrictions be lifted? Well, those are some of the most difficult questions to answer.

The best is always to track and monitor the situation in your desired holiday destination to be able to get to a conclusion. Check here the latest updates and the best sources for monitoring COVID-19 or Coronavirus in the country you desire to visit.

Countries are slowly lifting the travel ban and you can catch some domestic flights. How safe it will be to travel is another hot topic at this moment. We highly recommend following your government’s advice and travel recommendations in order to avoid a possible infection with Coronavirus on your vacation. Better safe than sorry, right?

When will it be safe to travel again? Check the latest official Coronavirus travel advice

If you are wondering when will you be able to travel again safely, you need to stay informed. Unfortunately, it is still soon to know when it will be safe to go on international trips again, as Coronavirus is affecting each country in a different way and each country has its own restrictions due to Coronavirus.

It is highly likely that for the rest of 2021, the United States and Europe will continue to implement social distancing measures and might even remain locked down. Read the possible restrictions and standards on traveling after the Coornvirus pandemic will be over down below.

We expect that European countries will slowly start opening their borders before the summer.

In order to know when will it be safe to travel again after Coronavirus, apart from monitoring the disease itself, check the safe travel website of WHO and the authorities of your home and destination country are offering practical guidance for people traveling and living overseas following the outbreak of COVID-19. So don’t forget to check the latest safe travel advice before your holiday starts.

Travelers will have to accept a “new normal” due to Coronavirus

WTTC says the sector will face a gradual return to travel over the coming months as a “new normal” emerges before a vaccine becomes available on a mass scale, large enough to inoculate millions of people. New steps will be published and will have to be followed in order to prevent possible infections with Coronavirus. WTTC highlights that the safety of travelers will be crucial in the next year or so.

When will international travel resume? When can we travel abroad or overseas again?

It is expected separation between wealthier countries that will re-open with very strict travel restrictions and checks, and densely populated developing countries where the virus may create a large and lasting health problem. Travel to and from these countries would be highly restricted. Traveling to the USA is currently not possible.

When looking for safe international vacations and safe places to travel internationally, take into account that safe corridors will reopen, but with restrictions and health checks. You can also find here the real-time interactive Coronavirus map created by the Johns Hopkins Institute, which is a good resource to regularly check the COVID-19 expansion status and have a visual image of the worldwide situation.

Emphasis on domestic tourists after the COVID-19 pandemic

Travel is likely to return first to domestic markets with staycations; then to a country’s nearest neighbors before expanding across regions, and then finally across continents to welcome the return of journeys to long-haul international destinations. International travel will fall out of favor as people stay closer to the safety of home. 

Many governments and travel organizations are advising people on visiting less populated places and sights while traveling in their own or foreign countries. There will be more emphasis on visiting the great outdoors and spending our vacations outside in nature.

Younger travelers will embark on trips first after the Coronavirus epidemic is over

WTTC believes younger travelers in the 18-35 age group, who appear to be less vulnerable to COVID-19, may also be among the first to begin traveling once again. Traveling for older generations (above 60 years old) is not recommended as they are more likely to get infected with Coronavirus than any other age group. And we don’t mean to age-shame anyone.

Travelers will focus on health for themselves and others after Coronavirus

The Coronavirus pandemic will force future travelers and consumers to face health concerns into their travel choices even more than ever before. More standards and protocols will be taken into account before embarking on your next trip. Epidemiologist advises against traveling to Coronvirus hot spots like China, Italy, Spain, UK, and America.

Many countries, and even some U.S. states, now have mandatory requirements for visitors to isolate for two weeks. This should be factored into travel planning. People should start thinking about how their travel plans might impact the health conditions of the places they visit.

New protocols for traveling after Coronavirus pandemic

WTTC says there will be new protocols for check-in involving digital technology; hand sanitizer stations at frequent points including where luggage is stored; contactless payment instead of cash; using stairs more often than lifts where the 2-meter rule can be harder to maintain, and fitness equipment being moved for greater separation among other examples. 

Cruise operators will take further measures to ensure ships are free of COVID-19 including staff wearing gloves at all times which are then frequently changed; and more frequent room cleaning. 

Air travel will restart slowly and domestically

Travelers at airports will find themselves tested before they fly and upon arrival at their destination airport. They can expect to see social distancing measures at the airport and during boarding, as well as wearing masks while onboard.  Airlines could require proof of good health before allowing passengers to fly to any destination.

Aircraft will also be subject to intensive cleansing regimes. These measures will be combined with contact-tracing, via mobile app, which will allow flights to leave airports COVID-19-free. The protocols, which have been developed using experience from China’s initial recovery and from new successful standards used by retailers, will be fully announced in the next two weeks and shared with governments globally, so there is a coordinated approach to traveling within the COVID-19 world.

Will it be safe to travel this summer due to Coronavirus? 

With spring here and summer fast approaching, many families, groups of friends, and solo travelers are wondering just how long coronavirus will remain with us. The situation won’t go back to “normal” until May or June in many countries.

So if you had a trip planned for spring, in May or June, Coronavirus travel bans and restrictions will probably affect many of your plans. It could be a good idea to postpone your travel if you want to be safe and make sure we will be able to travel again. Another idea is to travel around in your own country, supporting local tourism spots and avoiding more populated places to prevent Coronavirus infection.

We do recommend spending your summer vacation in your home country this year and supporting your local business in the tourism sector.

A staycation will probably become more of a thing after the Coronavirus pandemic will be under control. Explore your home country this year and stay safe.

Where to get tested for Coronavirus in Slovenia?

Slovenia is currently dealing with the second wave of Coronavirus. We get asked about where can you get tested for Coronavirus in Slovenia every day. Either people living or visiting Slovenia are worried they have been infected with Coronavirus or they need a negative test in order to travel (back home).

Source: WTTC