
Carrying out a professional, independent and national selection of the best Slovenian restaurants is a project that has been maturing for quite some time and is now in its 4th year of running.

WHEN: 5th May 2020

TIME:  9 AM -  12.30 PM

LOCATION : Evergreen, Smlednik 

PRICE: 90 EUR/person

APPLY: [email protected] 

The number of places is limited.

We will start the workshops as appropriate, with a delicious breakfast that will energize the visitors. Short case studies will follow, where different experts will present best practices and share their knowledge and experience with all participants.

WHEN: 5th May 2020

TIME:  12 AM -  15 PM

LOCATION : Evergreen, Smlednik 


Slovenska kulinarika je prisotna tudi izven uradnih meja naše države, zato smo letos v sodelovanju z Ministrstvom za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano ter Slovenskim deželnim gospodarskim združenjem pripravili nekoliko drugačno kulinarično izkušnjo, ki vas bo popeljala po okusih vseh štirih zamejskih, a vseeno avtohtonih regij: Koroška, Istarska županija, Furlanija-Julijska Krajina ter Železna županija .   

To je čas za druženje in razvajanje brbončic. 

Let us welcome the best Slovenian restaurants together! 


WHEN: 5th May 2020

TIME:  15 PM -  16 PM

LOCATION : Evergreen, Smlednik 


We are aware of the importance of Slovenian cuisine, so for the fourth year in a row we are preparing a professional and independent selection aimed at a wider audience - local and foreign guests. We invited the professional and general public, gastronomic associations, media and restaurants to  this year's selection. The Slovenia Restaurant Awards 2020includes 250 restaurants, with 101 restaurants from all over Slovenia among the best.

Who will be the ones who will receive awards for the best in their category will be announced at the ceremony.

WHEN: 5th May 2020

TIME:  18 PM -  23 PM

PRICE: 200 EUR/person 

LOCATION : Evergreen, Smlednik 

APPLY:  [email protected] 

The number of seats is limited.


After last year's successful premiere, The Slovenia DINNER is coming back stronger and even better.

Surely this is a dinner that is not to be missed, as you can taste Slovenia through the dishes of four regions in one place, under the hands of the best Slovenian chefs.

The proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Young Chef Foundation this year for the young chef and his / her education abroad.

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