What does Tomaž Kavčič think about the Michelin in Slovenia?

Chef Tomaz Kavcic Gostilna pri Lojzetu

Chef Tomaž Kavčič is a member of Chaîne des Rôtisseurs and Le Soste. He was also the first president of the Slovenian section of the Jeunes Restaurateurs d’Europe and the winner of the European JRE Award for Innovation 2017/2018. Kavčič was also between the winners at The Slovenia Restaurant Awards for three years in a row.

Today we asked Tomaž Kavčič what he thinks about the arrival of Michelin Guide to Slovenia.

Even though Tomaž Kavčič he never studied abroad, he acquired a great deal of knowledge in cooperation with the famous masters of his profession. For a short amount of time he was seduced by the trendy molecular cuisine, but he quickly returned to the author’s cuisine, innovations, and – tradition.

Tomaž Kavčič

THE: What do you think about the arrival of the Michelin guide to Slovenia?

Tomaž Kavčič: “For those who are in the tourism sector, and gastronomy, in particular, we can say: “We have finally done it! We can say this not only to individuals who have been working hard towards putting Slovenia on the most prestigious gastronomic maps in the world as a tourist destination with a top gastronomic offer for decades but also to anyone who is building a value chain of quality Slovenian tourist offers.”

THE: How will the arrival of the Michelin guide to Slovenia affect our restaurants?

Tomaž Kavčič: “Experiences from other countries show that with good Michelin reviews, restaurants are not the only ones who benefit from it, but also the restaurant’s surrounding area and region within which the awarded restaurant works. In our case, Slovenia, as a tourist destination entirely. Last but not least, the particular mode of operation at Michelin and the effect of his inspector should not be overlooked. When they visit a new place, that raises a lot of attention and (they) make sure everyone talks about the Michelin stars. They must maintain their own cult and visibility at a time when everyone understands everything. Of course, Michelin’s presence or Michelin’s evaluation in a certain country encourages the growth of gastronomic offers, which will without a doubt happen in Slovenia as well, however, with that being said, every chef has to set his own priorities. Will he develop his offer and work within the end goal of receiving the Michelin stars or will he rather put his (traditional) clients’ satisfaction and continue to take care of keeping his restaurant full? This last part has not been visible in Michelin stars lately. The satisfaction of (our) clients and successful business are the one confirmation of the quality of one’s culinary offer, which in chefs’ everyday life matters the most. And have the most value in the whole chain “Slovenian gastronomy has a long tradition, many generations have strived for the culinary level in Slovenia to be so high today, despite all respect for Michelin, I am convinced that even after March 18, the (culinary) world will continue to rotate in the same direction.”

THE: How or with what Slovenia impress the Michelin guide?

Tomaž Kavčič: “From traditional food producers, which are the foundation of sustainability principles of local and seasonal, to high-quality wine producers, cheese makers, manufacturers of quality cured meat products and other masters of innovative interpretations of rich local heritage and natural resources; culinary offers built on warm, human relationship or attitude towards guests to providers of top quality touristic products. All together we can impress even the toughest world-renowned critics and inspectors of quality and authenticity. and Michelin himself reaffirmed it in his own way.”

Tomaž Kavčič, thank you for taking the time to talk to us!

Find out the potential recipients of Michelin Stars in Slovenia!

Source: Finance