Croatia welcomes digital nomads


Croatia launched an online electronic filing system for attracting digital nomads to their country.

In the beginning of March, Croatian National Tourist Board (CNTB) launched an administrative campaign designed and prepared especially for the so-called digital nomads (people who are able to work remotely). Furthermore, CNTB launched a website where people can fill an electronic form and stay in Croatia for up to one-year.

The slogan of the campaign for digital nomads is “Croatia, your new office“. The aim of this campaign is to position Croatia as an attractive and well-prepared destination for digital nomads. The advertising campaign will, in addition to PR and media activities, be conducted through the social networks Facebook and Twitter with a special focus on the markets of the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom, the CNTB points out.

Launch of a Visa for digital nomads in Croatia

The launch of this campaign has put Croatia on the list of first members of the European Union, which will enable and regulate a temporary stay for digital nomads that is the result of cooperation between the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

Temporary residence of digital nomads may be granted for a period of up to one year in accordance with Article 69 of this Act. According to the official definition digital nomad is a third-country national who is employed or performs work through communication technology for a company or his own company that is not registered in the Republic of Croatia and does not perform work or provides services to employers in the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

Procedure and conditions for Visa application for digital nomads

The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia has published the entire procedure for obtaining visas for digital nomads. According to the article published on HR Turizam website, it is defined that a third-country national who regulates temporary residence for the purpose of staying digital nomads must have funds in the amount of at least 2,5 average monthly net salaries paid for the previous year. In this moment the amount of required funds on a monthly basis is a minimum of HRK 16.142,5, or if is the intended period of stay in the Republic of Croatia 12 months, it is necessary to prove that you have funds in the amount minimum of HRK 193.710,00.

The amendments thus enable the exercise of the right to health care for a digital nomad – a third-country national who is employed or performs work through communication technology for a company or his own company that is not registered in Croatia and does not perform work or provide services to employers in Croatia. temporary stay in Croatia.

Goran Rihelj, author of the article on HR Turizam website published the procedure and conditions for Visa application for digital nomads. Read how you can obtain the Visa for digital nomads, here.

According to the latest information, currently 18 applications are being processed for visas for digital nomads, and 5 digital nomads have officially received visas for digital nomads. 

Source: HR Turizam