International art event: DOBRE NOVICE!

DOBRE NOVICE! (DOH-breh noh-VIT-seh) is a six-month-long art event with a creative dialogue between the celebrated Belgian sculptor William Sweetlove, more than 20 contemporary artists from several countries and the Kamnik community.   DOBRE NOVICE! art event includes: a major exhibition in Miha Maleš Gallery that will reveal the creative story of William Sweetlove and the other artists, a wonderful cocktail of […]

€3 – €30

Mednarodni umetniški projekt: DOBRE NOVICE!

DOBRE NOVICE! je šestmesečni umetniški projekt z ustvarjalnim dialogom med mednarodno priznanim belgijskim umetnikom Williamom Sweetlovom, ki že več kot 50 let razstavlja po celem svetu, in več kot dvajsetimi sodobnimi umetniki iz šestih držav. Od privlačnih postavitev monumentalnih skulptur Williama Sweetlova v največjem botaničnem parku v Sloveniji, Arboretumu Volčji Potok, do številnih razstav po […]

Plača se vstopnino v park.

International art event: DOBRE NOVICE!

DOBRE NOVICE! (DOH-breh noh-VIT-seh) is a six-month-long international art event with a creative dialogue between the celebrated Belgian artist William Sweetlove, who has exhibited worldwide for more than 50 years, and more than 20 contemporary artists from six countries. The exhibition connects a number of venues, from eye-catching installations of monumental sculptures in Slovenia's largest botanical […]

Park entrance fee must be paid.
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