Despite the outbreak of Coronavirus, the number of overnight stays in Slovenia higher than the year before.
According to provisional data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS), in January 2020 almost 189,000 arrivals of foreign tourists were recorded, which is 8 % more than in January 2019. The arrivals resulted in a total of 506,000 overnight stays, which is 3% more than in January 2019. In January they generated 64% of all tourist overnight stays.
In January 2020, tourist accommodation establishments in Slovenia recorded almost 286,000 tourist arrivals and approximately 789,000 overnight stays. There were almost 97,000 arrivals of domestic tourists (up 8% from January 2019) and just over 283,000 overnight stays (up 6% over January 2019). There were almost 189,000 arrivals of foreign tourists (8% more than in January 2019) and almost 506,000 overnight stays (3% more than in January 2019). Foreign tourists accounted for 64% of all tourist overnight stays this month.
The key tourist markets from which foreign tourists who made the most overnight stays in Slovenia in January 2020 were: Croatia (21% or about 104,000 overnight stays), Italy (19%), Austria (9%), Serbia ( 6%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (5%) and Germany (4%).
In January 2020, more overnight stays from the aforementioned markets were made by tourists from Germany (by 23%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (by 15%), Austria (by 14%), Serbia (by 11%) and Italy (by 7%) and fewer overnight stays were made by guests from Croatia (by 11%). The lowest number of tourists came in from Asia due to the major outbreak of Coronavirus.
Source: SORS