Bled Castle: A Cultural Gem with Diverse Activities


This historical castle, towering above the idyllic Lake Bled, enriches the cultural heritage of this wonderful area. With its impressive position on a rocky cliff above the lake, it offers a spectacular view of the surroundings and beckons visitors from afar. However, Bled Castle is not just a tourist attraction; it is also the venue for numerous interesting events.

Why is Bled Castle so special?

In the heart of picturesque Slovenia, on the shores of Lake Bled, stands one of the most recognizable and beloved landmarks of the country – Bled Castle. This medieval fortress, dating back to the 11th century, attracts visitors from around the world due to its rich history, picturesque location, and impressive architecture.

The history of Bled Castle dates back to ancient times when it served as a defensive stronghold and residence for various rulers throughout the centuries. Today, the castle maintains its charm and rich cultural heritage, attracting history enthusiasts as well as visitors eager to experience the pulse of the past.

One of the greatest attractions of Bled Castle is undoubtedly its location. Situated in the middle of Lake Bled on a small rocky island surrounded by lush green forests and the mighty Julian Alps in the background, this idyllic setting offers visitors a unique experience that is hard to find elsewhere.

The architecture of the castle is another feature that captivates visitors. Built from stone and equipped with medieval towers and walls, Bled Castle exudes an atmosphere of strength and solidity. The interior of the castle is equally impressive, providing visitors with insight into life in the Middle Ages and offering numerous museum exhibits and exhibitions.

The view from Bled Castle is unparalleled. From the top of the fortress, there is a breathtaking panoramic view of Lake Bled and the surrounding mountains, with the famous Mount Triglav standing out among them. This spectacular vista is a feast for the eyes and provides visitors with the opportunity for unforgettable photographs and memories.

In addition to its historical and natural beauty, it also hosts various cultural events.

Every year, the castle hosts various cultural events, concerts, art exhibitions, and festivals, which bring its walls to life with the vibrations of art and music. For those who enjoy experiencing history firsthand, medieval knight tournaments can be attended, or they can participate in educational workshops where they can learn about crafts and customs from past centuries.

Furthermore, weddings are also organized at Bled Castle, allowing visitors to experience the fairytale atmosphere of this historic location in their own special way. Lastly, the castle is also a popular destination for various business events and conferences, enriched by its cultural and historical background.

March/April 2024 Events


Before the Easter holidays, Bled Castle will be adorned in a spring attire designed by students from the Naklo Biotechnical Centre and their mentors. The central themes of the decoration are the upcoming Easter and the awakening of spring.

On Wednesday, March 27th, the castle will host a national competition for secondary biotechnical schools, where students will have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge, ideas, and artistic inspiration in spring flower arrangements. Floral creations will embellish the thousand-year-old castle walls and terraces from March 25th to April 14th, 2024.


From March 29th to April 30th, the Stolp Gallery will host an exhibition of Easter embroideries, created by members of the Vide Bled group.

The embroidery circle is part of the Bled Pensioners’ Association, and its members have been meeting weekly throughout the year for over fifteen years. They have showcased their works at various exhibitions in the association’s premises, in the Bled Festival Hall, at the International Embroidery Festival in Velenje, the Gorenjska Museum in Kranj, the birthplace of Matija Čop in Žirovnica, and Jalna’s birth house in Rodine.

At the exhibition, visitors will have the opportunity to admire exceptional, handmade Easter tablecloths created with great knowledge, patience, and love for preserving cultural heritage.


Lov na skrite pirhe, je že tradicionalna raziskovalna igra, ki se odvija vsako leto, letos 31. 3. 2024 ob 11. uri v velikonočnem prazničnem času. Otroci morajo poiskati unikatna lesena jajčka, skrita po gradu, v zameno za sodelovanje in uspešno iskanje pa prejmejo nagrade, ki jih prispevajo lokalni gospodarstveniki, javni zavodi, obrtniki. 

Za prijetno vzdušje poskrbijo velikonočne kokoške, ne manjkajo pa niti praznične dobrote, ki jih pripravljajo grajski kuharji. 
Dolgčas ne bo niti odraslim obiskovalcem, ki se lahko v času prireditve preizkusijo v raznovrstnih velikonočnih izzivih, od ribanja hrena do štrucanja. Mlajši bodo lahko sodelovali v valicanju pirhov in jajčka po lastni izbiri dekorirali. 
