FORBES MAGAZINE: Slovenia one of the safest countries for travel post-Coronavirus epidemic


European countries beginning to open up their borders and easing the restrictions as there are fewer infections with Coronavirus. With summer approaching, many people wish to book their holidays and travel abroad despite the epidemic. Forbes Magazine has posted a list of 20 safest places for travel post-Coronavirus.

Forbes Magazine has posted an article in the beginning of June on the 20 safest places for travel post-Coronavirus epidemic according to the best European destinations. Not only is Slovenia one of the safest countries in the world as it is, in terms of the possibility of terrorist attacks and so on, it is also one of the cleanest and greenest countries in the world.

Slovenia one of the safest countries amid Coronavirus epidemic in Europe

The way things are going right now, European residents will be able to travel abroad for their summer holidays, or at least drive to their neighbor country. Just like Slovenians do every year when they visit and spend their holidays in Croatia.

Slovenia has officially called an end to the Coronavirus epidemic in the country. Furthermore, Slovenia became the first country to end the epidemic in the world. Alongside ending the epidemic in Slovenia, the government decided to open its borders with Croatia, Hungary, Austria, and even Italy, which was the Coronavirus hotspot during the epidemic.

This week Slovenia has also opened its hotels, hostels, fitness centered, spas, camps, and so on. Restaurants have been open for a few weeks now, and people have emerged from the lockdown. Slovenia is getting used to the “new normal” after the Coronavirus epidemic.

EBD has unveiled a list of 20 European destinations least affected by the Coronavirus epidemic (defined as up to 600 times fewer Covid-19 cases). The selection of the top 10 safest countries to travel to post-Coronavirus were chosen based on the following factors:

  • proximity to hospitals
  • number of hospitals
  • hygiene protocols in accommodations, restaurants, shops and bars
  • availability of face masks
  • rules on social distancing

The Forbes magazine and European Commission have both named Slovenia as the best sustainable tourism destinations. Slovenia came in on 15th spot on the list of the top 20 safest countries to travel post-Coronavirus epidemic. Slovenia is or was 10 times less contaminated than the most-affected countries and it has more hospital beds per inhabitant than the majority of European countries. 

Slovenia will be fully reopened for all tourists on July 1. No quarantine will be requested if the number of infections with Coronavirus in Slovenia does not rise. As of now, Slovenia is open to all European residents. Furthermore, Ljubljana Airport has also begun operating.

Source: Forbes Magazine