Home CULINARY GIFTS Pumpkin seed oil Štajersko prekmursko Pumpkin Seed Oil (Dark) in a Gift Packaging

Štajersko prekmursko Pumpkin Seed Oil (Dark) in a Gift Packaging


Štajersko prekmursko Pumpkin Seed Oil – Slovenia, Dark
Gift Packaging

Possible net quantities: 0.25 l and 0.5 l.


Štajersko prekmursko Pumpkin Seed Oil Slovenia has been an officially recognized Slovenian product (protected by geographical indication) since 2013, registered in the European Union. The region of Styria and Prekmurje has a long-standing tradition of pumpkin seed cultivation and the production of pumpkin seed oil, dating back to the 18th century. The first oil press was established in Styria in 1750.

Oljarna Kocbek, to this day, preserves the tradition of oil production that began in 1929. They collaborate with local producers and exclusively use Slovenian-grown pumpkin seeds as their raw material.

Štajersko prekmursko Pumpkin Seed Oil Slovenia with protected geographical indication is an edible unrefined oil produced by pressing roasted pumpkin seeds obtained from pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo) and processed in the Styria and Prekmurje regions. It has a dark green to red color and a distinctive aromatic aroma and taste.

Oljarna Kocbek designates this particular oil with a dark label based on the method of grinding the pumpkin seeds. For this type of oil produced through warm pressing, the seeds are ground in a metal roller mill.

SŠtajersko prekmursko Pumpkin Seed Oil has a favorable fatty acid composition, containing approximately 18g of saturated fatty acids, around 32g of monounsaturated fatty acids, and approximately 50g of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also a rich source of tocopherols, with around 50mg of vitamin E per 100g of oil.


With its characteristic aromatic aroma and taste, pumpkin seed oil is essential in culinary applications. It is commonly used as a dressing for salads but can be used in various ways, including marinating, sauce preparation, pasta dressings, risottos, cold and hot meat dishes, soups, desserts, and spreads.


Store pumpkin seed oil in a sealed bottle in a dark and cool place.

Net quantity: 0.25l and 0.5l.

Origin: Slovenia

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Choose volume:

250 ml, 500 ml

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