Home CULINARY GIFTS Coffee and tea House blend “A CUP OF COFFEE”

House blend “A CUP OF COFFEE”


100% Arabica. For Turkish coffee enthusiasts.

Aroma / Flavor
Fruity aromas and flavors, with a hint of honey in the aftertaste.

Origin and Altitude
7 different coffee varieties sourced from Central America, Africa, and India

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The first “Skodelica kave” (A Cup of Coffee) in Vrhnika was created by the renowned Slovenian writer Ivan Cankar. A century later, in the roastery in Vrhnika, a new story about “Skodelica kave” was conceived.

With a positive attitude towards cultural heritage and a creative approach to coffee roasting, they write this story in a family-owned roastery. The house blend, made from the most esteemed Arabica coffee beans, is named “Skodelica kave” in honor of the original masterpiece.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
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