TOP Slovenia Events this Weekend 29. 2. – 1. 3. 2020


The weekend is finally here, and we are just as excited about it as you are! This weekend is full of interesting events to choose from! Don’t forget the voting for the best Slovenian restaurants starts on Sunday!

From 29th February till 12th of March – Luisa Miller

Returning to our theatre after quite a few years will be a renowned stage director Lutz Hochstraate with the play Luisa Miller.

Purchase tickets here.

1st of March – Kras Kros MTB granfondo

8th and the biggest MTB event in Slovenia will be held in Mirna.

Learn more about the event, here.

1st of March – Voting for the best Slovenian restaurants – The Slovenia Restaurant Awards

A collection of the best restaurants in Slovenia can help tourists (local and foreign) decide where to go when seeking new culinary horizons. The selection of the best Slovenian restaurants is also meant for the general Slovenian public.

Vote for your favorite Slovenian Restaurants, here.

1st of March – Maluma

Maluma 11:11 World Tour concert in Arena Stožice

Purchase tickets, here.