Even in a country as diverse as Slovenia, Krško manages to
stand out for the dizzying array of sights and activities it
offers visitors.
The majestic Rajhenburg Castle (or Grad Rajhenburg), which is perched on a hill above the Sava River
overlooking the town of Krško below, photo by Boštjan Colarič
Capuchin Library
Housed inside a former monastery complex, the Capuchin Library is one of the most fascinating and
photogenic sights in Slovenia and is packed with some 1,500 mostly religious tomes, many of which
date back hundreds of years. White gloves are provided if you wish to peruse the collection, and if
you’re lucky you’ll also get to meet the monastery’s only remaining monk, Father Roman. Cesta Krških
Žrtev 26, +386 (0)7 490 40 00/+386 (0)7 490 40 11, www.knjiznica-krsko.si
Krško City Museum
Located in a maze of rooms in what were three 17th-century family residences, this beautifully
presented museum includes a room dedicated to Josipina Hočevar and another to the prolific sculptor
Vladimir Štoviček. A series of temporary exhibitions promoting Krško’s historical and cultural heritage
can also be seen, and the museum is currently home to an exhibition commemorating the Slovenes
deported by the Germans during WWII. Valvasorjevo Nabrežje 4, tel. +386 (0)7 620 92 44,
[email protected], www.mestnimuzejkrsko.si
The picturesque countryside that surrounds Krško in all directions is perfect for hiking, cycling or any
number of other outdoor activities, photo by Jošt Gantar
Rajhenburg Castle
A monument of national pride and recently having undergone a complete renovation, this stunning
building is home to several collections and contemporary art exhibitions. Dating back to the 9th century
with a wealth of 16th-century additions, the castle is also home to Slovenia’s only Trappist monastery.
Originating in the region in the 19th century, the Trappists have had a great influence on the cultivation
and production of traditional foods including fruit farming, the cheese trade, bee-keeping and the
making of chocolate and liqueurs. The castle is also the end point of the so-called Trappist Trail, which
takes hikers through Sremič and Grmada to the Church of St. Mohor before leading up to the castle
itself. www.gradrajhenburg.si
Valvasor Monument
Throughout Slovenia the name of Janez Vajkard Valvasor is one that repeatedly finds its way onto
streets, squares, parks and restaurants. The 17th century nobleman travelled widely in Europe and
North Africa and was a fellow of the Royal Society in London, but it was in Krško where he died of
natural causes in 1687 at the age of 52. Best known for his comprehensive encyclopaedia of the
Carniola region, Slava vojvodine Kranjske (The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola), Valvasor’s likeness is
the work of noted local sculptor Vladimir Štoviček. Valvasorjevo Nabrežje 4
There are a variety of great restaurants in and around Krško, from gourmet fine-dining to countryside
farms. This is a dish from Pivnica Apolon, photo by Tomo Jeseničnik
Tourist Information Centre
Krško has two excellent tourist information centres, both of them well stocked with pamphlets and
brochures about what to see and do, where to stay etc. With advanced notice they’ll also gladly put you
in contact with individual tour guides and arrange custom- made tourist packages. Cesta krških žrtev
46, tel. +386 (0)7 490 22 20, [email protected], www.visitkrsko.com
(Yuri Barron)