May 2019
- The Slovenia Restaurant Awards, Smlednik
- Evaluation of Upper Savinja Stomachs, Recica ob Savinji
- Rebula and Olive Oil Festival, Višnjevik
- Refošk Festival, Marezige
- Delicacies of Slovenian Farms, Ptuj
- Wine Spring, Metlika
- Wine Fair, Ljubljana
June 2019
- Cherry Festival, Dobrovo in Brda
- Lent Festival, Sladolent, Maribor
- Traditional Olive Festival, Dekani
- Festival of Wine, Fish and Olive Oil, Izola
- Day of Open Cellars, Brda
- Cvicek Festival, Catež
- Cvicek in Šentrupert, Šentrupert
- Ljubljana Wine Route, Ljubljana
- Strawberry Sundays, Jance pri Ljubljani
July 2019
- Beer and Flowers Festival, Laško
- Harvest Festival, Polenšak
- Polenta Festival, Ozeljan
- Numerous mushroom picking festivals and exhibitions from July
to October
Avgust 2019
- Days of Honey,
- Polhov Gradec
- Days of Poetry and
- Wine, Ptuj
- Days of Poetry and Wine, Medana
- Peach Festival, Prvacina
- Fishermen’s Festival, Izola
- Salt Makers’ Festival, Piran
- Teran and Prosciutto Festival, Dutovlje
- Shepherd’s Ball, Jezersko
- Onion Festival, Dornava
- Cows Ball Cheese and Wine Fest, Bohinj
September 2019
- Sweet Istria, Koper
- Jam Festival, Land of Hayracks, Šentrupert
- Bean Day, Hrovaca Tržic
- Bržola Festival, Tržic
- Day of Honey in Cuisine, Radovljica and Lesce
- Plum Days, Slivje
- Cabbage Festival, Ljubljana
- Pumpkin Festival, Bodonci
- Dödöli Festival, Puconci
- Idrijski Žlikrofi Festival, Idrija
- Old Vine Festival, Maribor, (from late September to 11th November)