Truffle hunting in Slovenia


A forest treasure hunt

Who would have thought that after all the industrialization eras, the information revolution and the love for the comfortable and modern, people would at one point start returning to loving the simple things in life, like forest walks, home-made meals and practices of searching inner mind and body peace through yoga and meditation. It’s probably because the pace of the modern world has simply become too overwhelming, too fast and furious, too stressful. It is becoming fashionable to make conscious the way we lead our life or the way we are led to consume, produce and leave our traces. So knowing where our food and clothing comes from and appreciating all that can be made, grown, found or crafted by ourselves is becoming more and more precious. And then there’s the unrivaled feeling of returning to our roots as human beings.

The Slovene forests of Istria are the perfect place to get in touch with your inner hunter-gatherer by hunting a most treasured Mediterranean delicacy  – the truffle. Hidden inside the very ground we walk on, it is not just the taste this exquisite mushroom takes pride in, but the whole tradition of harvest. With guides and their canine companions, specially trained to sniff out truffle mushrooms, you’ll not only find them but learn about this unique process, as well as a number of other fascinating facts about truffles in general. Truffle Hunting Slovenia is not your everyday activity, just as having this particular fungus in its black or white version in your pasta, risotto or in your vodka is something that doesn’t happen any day.

Ask anyone who knows something about truffle hunting and they’ll tell you there is no better meditation than spending time in a forest with a mission that requires patience, knowledge and with each treasure found concludes in a kind of catharsis. Venture out alone or take your loved ones, friends, work colleagues and even your child to experience with you these precious moments of adventure and bonding.