The Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024, the most Slovenian athletes competing ever

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From Wednesday, July 24, to Sunday, August 11, 2024, Paris will host the highly anticipated Summer Olympic Games. At 41 Olympic venues / 18 days / 48 sports disciplines / 329 events / 200+ countries / more than 10,500 athletes.

Paris can boast the title of host city of the Olympic Games three times. The first time in 1900, the second time in 1924, and the third time in 2024. The Olympic Games are being held in Paris again after 100 years. This popular sporting event will take place in Paris this year. That is why this year’s Olympic Games are often called Paris 2024. The city submitted its bid to host the Games back in 2015, as did Rome, Hamburg, Budapest, and Los Angeles. Since the first three cities soon withdrew their bids, the decision was made in favor of Paris.

The Largest Slovenian Team

On July 8, 2024, the Executive Board of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia – Association of Sports Federations appointed the Slovenian team for this year’s Olympic Games in Paris. The largest Olympic team to date will represent us in the French capital, with 90 athletes traveling to Paris to compete for medals in 17 sports disciplines. 44 female athletes and 46 male athletes will compete for Olympic medals between July 26 and August 11, 2024. Additionally, 57 coaches and 48 other staff members will travel to Paris, bringing the total Slovenian team to 194 members.

The Slovenian Volleyball Team at the Paris Olympics

The Slovenian volleyball team has gathered in Ljubljana and begun preparations for the Olympic Games in Paris. Slovenian coach Gheorghe Cretu has 16 volleyball players at his disposal, who will also participate in the Wagner Memorial in Poland before departing for France.

Slovenian Handball Players to Paris Without Marguč

Right-wing handball player, a member of Hungarian champion Veszprem, missed the final part of the season due to a foot arch injury. The Slovenian handball players will finish their second cycle of final preparations this Friday. On Monday, they have their first preparatory test in Celje, where they will face Egypt at 7 p.m. in the Zlatorog Arena.

Slovenian Basketball Players with Luka Dončić Did Not Qualify for the Paris Olympics

The Slovenian basketball players were unable to overcome the Greeks in the semifinals of the Olympic qualifying tournament in Piraeus.