Upsquare’s vision is to increase user retention for news sites and online shops, where the service lets you transform your website into a native mobile app. With Upsquare user retention increases up to 30%.
Upsquare offers functionalities such as content optimization, text analysis, media and web link optimizations. Based on the given feedback information the system recommends the where the content could be improved.
To help news sites, bloggers and online shop owners, that don’t have a native mobile solution
The main goal of this operation is to help news sites, bloggers and online shop owners, that don’t have a native mobile solution and are struggling with user retention. Global usage of mobile devices has surpased computer usage and laptops especially for millennials and generation Z, where we see some great potentials in the upcoming years.
Redink developed an online solution that transforms a web site into a mobile application in just a few clicks. It found that about 65% of the time, people read digital content through a mobile device and mobile advertising has increased 15 times over the last 6 years.
Because mobile app development can cost up to €20.000 or more, smaller and medium-sized web content providers limit their online business to websites. This makes it up to 20 times harder to retain users than by using a mobile app and can cause a loss on the side of revenue.
The Upsquare solution enables web content providers to implement a mobile app less costly and increase content retention, sales and loyalty. The provider simply generates the mobile app via Upsquare by simply entering his web address and choosing the topics and elements. The development of the mobile app then only costs the user €39 to €69 per month. Its customers are providers of news sites, blogs and online stores.