Negovsko lake


Carries within its depths, as well as on the surface

46.595062, 15.961723

Found in the landscape park of Negova, Negovsko lake carries within its depths, as well as on the surface amidst flowers of white lotus, numerous incredible stories. It came to be some 400 years ago, with combining no less than 14 castle ponds, which served a defensive purpose of the Negova castle in the times of Ottoman incursions.

Today only three of the original ponds remain; one of them being Negovsko lake – another one can be seen on the western side of the park, while the third one is near the Negova castle.

The surroundings of the Negova castle are chock-full of exciting sights. The famous Žigrtov oak, with its respectful age of 250 years, grows on the banks of the lake. Underneath the dam, you can take a look at Sitarjev mill, while above the lake stands the house of Ivan Kramberger, a famous politician and ˝the good man of Negova˝ – his interesting story is bound to take you back in time.

The lake’s surroundings hide natural water springs of  Slatina, which are bound to quench your thirst, while the nearby tourist farm will gladly offer you homemade juices and gibanica cake from Slovenj Gradec.

Today, the Negova castle is one of the largest and most typical castles of the region and is a famous monument to the past. It is also a favorite place for organizing marriages, which is a symbolic link to the future.

Negovsko lake is, without a doubt an excellent destination, which will take all of your senses on a scenic ride from the past to the present.

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