Puklavec Family Wines is presenting their new brand Instinct


Puklavec Family Wines launched their new brand for red wines – Instinct, which are produced in their boutique winery in North Macedonia. Excellent red wines from Negotino are complementing their current assortment of white wines from Ljutomer-Ormož hills.

Since 2011, Puklavec and his team have been driven by the desire to complement their offer with red wines, and right in the middle of Negotino they have found the right terroir, perfect conditions for the production of premium red wines. Warm and dry summers, relatively cold winters, the right attitude, and the soil provide excellent conditions for producing premium red wines.

Puklavec’s drive behind producing their wines from the family winery is to share the good things in life with the ones that you truly care about. Instinct wines are one for one true DNA from the Tikveš region. Their goal is to express the roughness and purity of nature.

The new brand carries a meaningful name and a message that instinct is in all of us. Basic Instinct is something that we do not learn or practice, like love or fear. Just like in nature, also in winemaking, only the strongest can survive, challenging terroir and risky circumstances are the everyday challenges that our winemakers are facing. Their true instinct for the right time to pick and to lead the process to turn the grapes into rich and aromatic wines are substantial for the quality.

Every Instinct wine is unique and represents the powerful animal that is connected with it. They are made with passion, eye for detail, experience and great… Instinct! Vranec is a powerful wine full of pride for our region, Cabernet Sauvignon has been made with great precision and eye to detail just like the Eagle it needs to be tested before trusting it. Merlot is a wine, that asks us to trust our hearts and minds and if we do we can experience the natural characteristic of a wolf: guardianship, ritual, loyalty, and spirit.

  • The Eagle: Sleek, fearless, powerful and well-groomed with striking looks.
  • The Horse: Full of pride and arrogant, very passionate and energetic
  • The Wolf: Intelligent, non-aggressive and friendly species with the ability to make strong emotional attachments.

Instinct wines are not only for the domestic market but also for foreign markets. Puklavec Family Wines is one of the largest Slovenian exporters of wine, currently including the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Poland and Brazil among its key export markets. The company is convinced that the best things in life need to be shared with others, so one of the more important upcoming milestones is the presentation of red wines from the Macedonian Instinct winery in international markets.