What does Igor Jagodic think about the Michelin in Slovenia?


Igor Jagodic – recognized as one of the top chefs in Slovenia, he has received numerous awards for his dedication and love for his craft.

Today we asked Igor Jagodic what he thinks about the arrival of the Michelin Guide to Slovenia.

Igor Jagodic already has a long career in the kitchen. Igor Jagodic and the rest of the team at Strelec, constantly strive for perfection and their passion is to create high-quality cuisine, where only the best is good enough.

Igor Jagodic from Strelec

THE: What do you think about the arrival of the Michelin guide to Slovenia?

Igor Jagodic: “I think the arrival of Michelin (Guide) is very important because it will finally place on the culinary map of the world. Aside from the fact that this guide is a “bible” for many guests when deciding which restaurants to visit or where they will travel. It is also a confirmation for us, a confirmation that we are doing well, that we have good restaurants in Slovenia.

Check out how Strelec placed in last year’s The Slovenia Restaurant Awards!

THE: What kind of an impact will the Michelin Guide have for Slovenian gastronomy?

Igor Jagodic: “Most of us (chefs) can hardly wait for the arrival of the Michelin Guide. However, this first guide will certainly bring some extra stress to our daily lives. Those who get the Michelin Star will strive to keep it, and those who deserve it, or who want it and will not get it the first year and will put extra effort into getting it in the coming years. Which is good. With the arrival of the stars, guests’ expectations (of course, in award-winning restaurants) will certainly rise, at least at the outset.

Thank you Igor Jagodic for talking to us!

Find out the potential recipients of Michelin Stars in Slovenia!